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Taking the action that's right for you

Actions are proposed and agreed with the client, taking into account the client's lifestyle and personal constraints. The duration of the support will depend on how the person integrates the teaching into their life. With the application of simple tools, a person can quickly find their autonomy.

Everyone has their own way of working and I guide people into their own way of dealing with their professional or personal life. It's not about changing the world, but finding a space where they can breathe and regain control of their emotions.

I offer a wide range of tailored to my clients' needs, with the upmost.


Examples of how my services can be used include, but are not limited to:

Business project

Discovery of abilities 



Connection through the senses

I hold online sessions in which I will aide my clients with their needs. Prix de la session sur simple demande à :

I offer a free introductory phone call.

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